
Sigil of assassin blood magic
Sigil of assassin blood magic

“I want you to carve this sigil into her.” He shoved the book at Ward, pointing at something on the page.

sigil of assassin blood magic

Katar walked away, yanking a book off a shelf, quickly flipping through the pages until he found what he wanted. Not until I get what I want from you was left unsaid. The phoenix fluttered against her spine, pulling away from him, and Katar lifted his hands and backed away. “Mmm-hmmm.” He answered distractedly, nudging aside the strap to her shirt. “The last time someone tried to make me do something I didn’t want to do through those marks they died horribly.” The only thing that saved him was he very carefully made sure not to touch her. It took all her control not to call her blades forward. He began circling her, standing so close she could swear she felt his breath bathe her shoulders, making her skin crawl. Morgan turned to see Katar studying her, the syringe resting in his hand forgotten. Taking a deep breath, Morgan stripped down to her tank top, conscious of the various marks on her skin. She caught his arm, then pushed him toward Ward. Morgan’s spine stiffened, while Atlas growled and staggered to his feet, ready to tear into him.

Sigil of assassin blood magic